The Wired Life

Treating The Whole Person: A Holistic Approach To Healing Chronic Conditions

Traditional medicine has definitely made strides in the treatment of diseases. In the pursuit of optimal health people are looking to Holistic methods of healing that tackle the root causes of imbalances and empower the body’s healing capabilities. This method recognizes the interconnectedness of body mind, and spirit to create the Triad of Health, essential to achieving true wellness.

Beyond the Body: Understanding the Health Triad

The Triad of Health conceptualizes optimum health as the result of balancing three key elements.

Mental/Emotional/Stress/Trauma/Spiritual: This encompasses our emotional state, stress levels, past traumas, and spiritual connection. These are all important to our health.

Structure/Neurology/Reflexes: This focuses on the physical structure of the body, the nervous system, and its reflexes. These components form the basis of our physical functioning.

Chemistry/Genetics/Nutrition: This addresses our unique genetic makeup, nutritional needs, and the chemical processes occurring within our bodies.

In the absence of any of these aspects by ignoring any one of these aspects, we can create an imbalance which can manifest in physical illnesses. Holistic healing methods deal with the Triad of Health in order to maintain and achieve true health and well-being.

Uniquely You: Accepting Personalized Health Solutions

While advancements in science offer many treatment options yet the “magic pill” for optimal health remains elusive. Genetic makeup and life experience is unique to each individual and impact their health in different ways. Alternative Medicine recognizes this individuality and offers individualized solutions. The days of a one-size-fits-all approach are over. Holistic Healing practitioners will listen to the unique stories of your body in order to pinpoint the source of your health-related issues.

Beyond the Trends Beyond the Fads: Building Sustainable Health Habits

The internet is flooded with new supplements and fad diets promising immediate results. However, true Optimal Health is not about quick fixes. It’s about establishing lasting habits that support your entire body. Holistic Healing encourages active involvement in your journey to health. This could mean dietary changes in addition to stress management techniques and alternative treatments.

The Body’s Wisdom is Yours: Neurological Examination and Muscle Testing

Holistic Healing believes that the body has the ability to heal itself. Practices like Applied Kinesiology utilize techniques like neurological examination and diagnostic manual muscle testing to identify underlying imbalances in the body. Knowing how your body reacts allows practitioners to create treatment plans which address the root cause of your health problems.

The Power of Integration in Science and Alternative Medicine

Holistic Healing does not mean disavowing traditional medicine. Alternative Medicine should be viewed as an alternative to traditional medical practices, working conjunction with it to achieve a more holistic approach. This integration provides a greater variety of options to address complicated health issues, typically leading to more successful outcomes.

The Emotional Landscape Beyond Physical Illness

Stress, traumas from the past, and unresolved emotional issues can have a major impact on our physical health. Holistic Healing recognizes this link, and utilizes techniques like mindfulness and emotional release to address the emotional side of health.

Helping You Optimal Health

The road to optimal health is a personal journey. Accepting Holistic healing allows you to take a proactive role in your well-being. By understanding the Triad of Health, examining Alternative Medicine options, and working with qualified professionals, you can discover your body’s natural healing capabilities and build the foundation for a healthy, vibrant future.